Scalp Problem (Dandruff)


That sudden impulse to scratch your scalp in public! Are you recalling the last time this happened and how a deposit of white flakes ended up in your nails and shoulders? Dandruff can be a total nightmare, right? And those chemical-laden shampoos from the market are worsening your scalp health?

We can relate with your struggles. In traditional Ayurveda, this condition is termed as ‘Darunak’. ‘’Dandruff is a complex problem in ayurveda, and every case of dandruff may have a different cause. Regardless of its complexity, it is grouped under Kshudra rogas - diseases that can be easily cured,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

So, let’s see how you can have a dandruff-free scalp with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dandruff?

In general, the dead skin cells on a healthy scalp flake off in a month. But if you have the dandruff condition, the scaling happens every 2-7 days [1]. According to Ayurveda, Daranak or dandruff is associated with the following symptoms:

  • Itching
  • White scales like structures (flakes)
  • Dryness of scalp
  • Softness in the scalp skin
  • Inflammation of the eyelids in some cases

Even hair loss associated with scalp numbness is one of the symptoms of dandruff or daranak.

What Causes Dandruff According to Ayurveda?

In Kshudra Roga-Daranakam (the category of Ayurveda which deals with Dandruff), the condition is explained as a Tridosha disease, i.e., imbalance in all your three doshas (bodily forces).

When you have dry dandruff, it is due to the aggravated state of Pitta and Vata doshas. Similarly, when you have wet/oily dandruff, it is caused by the imbalance in Kapha-Vata doshas, predominantly Kapha dosha that causes excess sebum production. So you need to know the underlying root-cause by analyzing your Dosha levels.

The imbalance in Doshas results in toxin (Ama) build up on the scalp, which contaminates the scalp by accumulating in its deeper tissues. Your body, in its natural process of healing, sheds off the contaminated epidermal cells in larger amounts than in normal conditions, causing itchy and scaly scalp condition, i.e., Dandruff.

Now let's look into a few other factors which can worsen your dandruff condition, if not taken care of.

1. Not Shampooing Enough

When you do not shampoo your hair regularly, the accumulation of dead skin cells keeps increasing on your scalp. This in turn may invite various bacteria and microbes that cause different infections on your scalp. The foremost action you need to take to fight dandruff is to keep your scalp clean with minimum deal cell accumulation through regular use of Ayurvedic shampoos/hair cleansers.

2. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a condition on your scalp caused by a fungus called Malassezia. It is associated with greasy scalp and white or yellow flakes. The fungus normally feeds on the oils secreted by the hair follicles. But, in a few cases, the fungus may become overactive. This triggers scalp irritation, production of extra skin cells and greasy dandruff.

3. Skin Conditions

People with certain skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, Tinea Capitis and other autoimmune skin disorders may have more tendency to get dandruff than others. Also, people with dry skin (aggravated Vata condition) are prone to dandruff. You may have more itchy and flaking scalp skin during winters when Vata dosha spikes up more than any other time of the year.

4. Diet

When your diet does not include nutrients like Zinc, B-complex vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids, it may increase the risk of adverse dandruff due to Vata aggravation. You need to include good oils, protein, green vegetables, etc. in your diet to nourish your scalp from inside.

“Artificial colours, flavours and excessive use of spices can trigger scalp inflammations causing dandruff. And many a times, in spite of a wholesome diet, derangement of Pitta, stemming from stress and lack of proper rest can cause dandruff,” says Dr. Zeel.

5. Age Factor

Although dandruff is a lifelong battle, it is observed more during adolescence than at any other point. According to Ayurveda, in the life span of an individual, childhood is kapha dominant, middle age is pitta dominant and old age is vata dominant. At adolescence, the body undergoes transitioning from kapha to pitta kaal (phase) and this conjunction of both the doshas creates a spike in acne and dandruff.

6. Mental Stress

Ayurveda believes that when one is stressed, the immune defenses are lowered and Pitta dosha is on rise. ‘’The dandruff causing fungi are a part of the normal human biome (commensal) on the scalp. But when one is stressed, the lowered defenses cause the proliferation of this fungi [3]. Also, circulating Pitta triggers more sebum production, providing more food for the growth of the pathogens,” says Dr. Zeel.

How To Treat Dandruff Through Ayurveda?

Ayurveda bestows you with both topical and internal natural medicinal solutions for both Pitta-Vata as well as Kapha-Vata dandruff types. While the topical Ayurvedic herbal solutions relieve you from itching and infections, internal medicines help you improve scalp immunity through detoxification and nourishment.

1. Topical remedies For Dandruff

A. Methika (Fenugreek)

You can consider Methika or fenugreek seeds as one of the top remedies to control dandruff naturally.

How To Use:

Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and make it into a paste the next morning. You can also add other Ayurvedic anti-fungal herbs like henna, lime juice or yogurt into the paste and apply to your scalp. Leave the paste on your scalp for 30 minutes and rinse it with an Ayurvedic Shampoo based on your Prakriti.

You can also heat fenugreek seeds in coconut oil. Strain the oil and massage your scalp with warm Methika oil for almost 15-20 minutes a night before your hair wash.


B. Nimbuka (Citrus Lemon)

Lemon contains vitamin C, citric acid, zinc, and Flavonoids, making it ideal for Ayurvedic anti-dandruff treatment. It is rich in antioxidants with antifungal and antibacterial properties.

How To Use:

Mix fresh lemon juice, olive oil and fresh ginger juice in equal quantities. Apply this mixture on your scalp roots and gently massage for a few minutes. Leave your hair for an hour and rinse it off.

Prepare a hair mask by mixing lemon peel powder, multani mitti and sandalwood powder in equal quantities. Apply the paste on to your scalp and leave it for an hour before washing off.

C. Green Gram

The green gram or mung bean can be used as a herbal alternative to anti-dandruff shampoo.

How To Use:

Apply green gram paste across your scalp and leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

For oily hair, you can add some curd into the paste and apply it before washing it off with natural or herbal shampoo.

D. Snake Gourd

Snake Gourd [4] helps in keeping your scalp hydrated and detoxify it, thus, curbing dandruff growth.

How To Use:

Massage your scalp with the juice of Snake Gourd and leave it for half an hour before washing it off with Ayurvedic or herbal shampoo.

E. Nimba (Neem)

It is best known for its antifungal and antiviral properties, which help you fight dandruff.

How To Use:

Simply massage your scalp with Neem oil a night before your hair wash.

Mix a paste of Neem leaves into the bowl of curd and apply that all over your scalp. Leave it for 15-20 minutes before you rinse it off.

Mix neem powder with dry amla powder, shikkakai powder and reetha powder in equal quantities to make a thick paste. Apply it on the scalp and wash it off an hour later.

F. Aloe Vera

It is believed that Aloe vera [5] helps to treat conditions like psoriasis, cold sores, burns, etc. very effectively with its antifungal and antibacterial properties.

How To Use:

Take a thick gel extracted naturally from Aloe vera and spread it across your scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next morning with an Ayurvedic or herbal shampoo.

G. Amla

Amla is one of the strongest sources of vitamin C and great for dandruff-laden scalp.

How To Use:

Prepare a paste from Amla powder, Tulsi leaves and water. Apply the mask thoroughly across the scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes.

H. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is popular for its dandruff-treating properties besides lots of other hair benefits.

How To Use:

Boil 5-6 hibiscus flowers in water and churn them later into a thick paste. Add 3 tablespoons of warm coconut oil into the paste and apply it onto the scalp and hair. Leave the pack for 1-2 hours before washing it with warm water.

I. Essential Oils

Mix a few drops of lavender oil in olive oil and massage your hair. It works as a therapeutic for dandruff.

Mix a small amount of camphor in coconut oil and keep it in a bottle. You can apply this oil every day before going to bed. Camphor cools your scalp and works best as an antifungal agent to fight dandruff.

You can mix Sandalwood oil with lime juice and use this mixture to gently massage your scalp for a few minutes before washing it off.

2. Ayurvedic Supplements For Dandruff

In case your diet lacks the required nutrients that help to keep your dandruff in control naturally, you can prefer the following Herbal supplements under the guidance of your Ayurvedic doctor based on your health condition.

  • Mahamanjisthadi Kadha
  • Khadirarishta
  • Surakta Syrup
  • Amalaki rasayan
  • Chalmogra Oil
  • Neem Capsules
  • Sarivadyasava
  • Arogyavardhini Bati
  • Gandhak Rasayana
  • Guduchyadi Taila
  • Kaishore Guggulu

3. Yoga For Dandruff

Here are some yoga (poses) which can be beneficial to keep your dandruff levels in control.

A. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Vajrasana relieves you from stress, which is one of the key factors for dandruff and improves blood circulation, thus keeping your scalp healthy.

B. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)

This pose also increases blood circulation to your brain, in turn improving your scalp condition and thereby controlling dandruff.

C. Balayam Yoga (Rubbing Nails)

Balayam Yoga cures dandruff and premature greying by pumping energy to the roots of hair follicles that are connected to the nails.

D. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose )

Chakrasana supplies abundant oxygen to your scalp, which minimizes dandruff.

E. Chin mudra ( Gyan Mudra)

Chin Mudra or Gyan Mudra helps you fight stress, and depression, thus keeping your doshas and dandruff under control.


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